Art & Artist Themed Morning Basket
Our one thing for this school year was art. We unfortunately haven’t done nearly enough so what better way to get some in that to make it our morning basket theme?
So, our May Morning Basket will be all about art and artists!
The four main catergories of things that we include in our morning basket each month are read alouds, madlibs and/or trivia, hands-on activities, and games. The main reason we include these are because they are Emily’s favorite things and I find I like to start our day by connecting and filling her love tank.
Each morning (or whatever time we start our homeschool day) she enjoys the hands-on activities while I read aloud, then we do either a mad lib or some trivia, and we finish our morning basket time by playing a game together. What’s in this basket might look like a lot but chipping away at it every day for a month normally ensures we will get to enjoy it all.
Would like to see our morning basket in action and see how we have made it worked for us over the years? Then check out our Join Us For Morning Time series on our YouTube channel.
May’s Art & Artist Morning Basket Choices…
Read Alouds:
The Chalk Box Kid
The Paint Brush Kid
A Child’s Introduction to Art
Lives of Artists
The Usborne Book of Famous Artists
Usborne The Children’s Book of Art
Vincent’s Starry Night and Other Stories
That’s a Job? I Like Art…What Jobs Are There?
Mad Libs and/or Trivia:
Crazy Crafting Madlibs
Usborne Famous Painting Cards
Spot the Differences Art Masterpiece Mysteries
Hands-On Quiet Activities:
Lots of Things to Draw
The Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas
Usborne Art Activity Book
Art Gallery Sticker Book
Lots of Art with Nana from Chalk Pastel
Professor Noggin History of Art
Doodle Dice
Show Me the Monet
My Big Art Show
BrainBox Art
Final Touch
Are you new to morning basket?
If you are new to morning basket and would like more information make sure you check out this morning basket questions and answers post. Also, make sure your join the Morning Baskets Facebook Group for more ideas, inspirations, and support.