Our Continent Boxes

I am in my 30’s and will be honest I remember very little geography. I think it just did not interest me when I was younger. Which is why I was so adamant I would find a way to make it fun and more interesting to my child. I love the idea of Montessori Continent Boxes but wanted to make some that would be more conducive to her playing freely with them while being exposed to geography.

Continent Boxes

With that idea in mind I purchased 8 Sterilite Large Clip Boxes one for each continent and one for the oceans as well.

I filled each box with books, a printable map, a bulletin board map and name cutout, safari toob pieces and eventually they will each have reusable craft that she will make.

Continent Boxes Africa


My craft plan for Africa is for us to make a African Mask.

Continent Boxes Antarctica


My craft plan for Antarctica is to make a penguin snow-globe.

Continent Boxes Asia


We painted our own fans to keep in this box as a craft project.

Continent Boxes Australia


My craft plan for Australia is to make boomerangs.

Continent Boxes Europe


My craft plan for Europe is to design our own coat of arms.

Continent Boxes North America

North America

My craft plan for North America is to make a paper towel tube totem pole.

Continent Boxes South America

South America

My craft plan for South America is to make a rain stick.

Continent Boxes The Five Oceans

Five Oceans

My craft plan for Five Oceans is to make a ocean sensory bottle.

I also purchased the Around the World Toob and the World Landmark Toob and placed each landmark in the correct continent box. We also have the Geo Puzzles that we keep on the shelves as well and we pull them out when we pull a box out. We have coins from most of the continents as well that we explore, but those are kept in daddy’s collection not in our boxes.

How We Plan to Use Our Continent Boxes

Some of the ways we use our continent boxes are free play, she is free to pick a box and play with it’s contents anytime. I will also pull a box and puzzle out anytime we our studying that area. Sometimes I will pull all the boxes out and dump everything out and she will sort it all back into the correct boxes (she loves this and thinks it is fun).

I will also pull out our World Scrunch Map (this is pretty much an indestructible map) and we will place the landmarks in their correct spots on the map.

Check out our updated continent boxes that we are pairing with our Traveling the World curriculum.

Related Posts: Resources

Continent boxes are a great way to introduce geography to your children in a fun and hands on way.