Amazing Animal Themed Morning Basket for Your Homeschool

When it comes to homeschooling during the summer, we like to take it easy. We fill our summer months with field trips, games, great books, and lots of time outdoors. Which means that the majority of our learning is happening during morning time. We also really love being able to spend the summer months learning about a topic that our daughter is interested in. This summer that is animals!

We are planning to spend the summer homeschool semester doing these Who Would Win Mini Unit Studies that will be tons of animal biology and life science. We are so excited about the topic that we decided to extend the animal fun to our morning time too. What could be a more perfect way to spend the summer than spending our time learning about something Emily is passionate about like animals?

What’s A Morning Basket?

Simply put a morning basket is a collection of things that allows you begin your day with beauty, goodness, and truth as a family and is normally placed in a basket. It is a time to bring everyone together to connect before transitioning to the more individualized subjects. Most people fill their basket with books, quiet activities for their kids to do while reading and maybe a quick game. Morning basket can look different for each family, no two are the same.

What Do You Put in A Morning Basket?

The four main catergories of things that we include in our morning basket each month are read alouds, madlibs and/or trivia, hands-on activities, and games. The main reason we include these are because they are Emily’s favorite things and I find I like to start our day by connecting and filling her love tank.

Where Does A Morning Basket Fit Into Your Homeschool Day?

Each morning (or whatever time we start our homeschool day) she enjoys the hands-on activities while I read aloud, then we do either a mad lib or some trivia, and we finish our morning basket time by playing a game together. What’s in this basket might look like a lot but chipping away at it every day for a month or so normally ensures we will get to enjoy it all.

If you’d like to see our morning basket in action and see how we have made it worked for us over the years then be sure to check out our Join Us For Morning Time series on our YouTube channel.

What’s in Our Animal Themed Morning Basket?

Read Alouds:

Picture Books:

Mad Libs and/or Trivia:


Hands-On Quiet Activities:


Make sure you check out our Who Would Win Mini Unit Studies for even more animal amazingness!

Helpful Morning Basket Resources

If youโ€™re just beginning to incorporate homeschool morning baskets into your routine, you probably have lots of questions. Iโ€™d love to help you get started with this technique because it has become an important part of our own homeschool journey that we all enjoy. Discover how to use morning baskets in your homeschool and build your own engaging morning baskets too.

Join Our Morning Basket Community

We would love to have you join us in the Morning Baskets Facebook Group. Morning Baskets & More Facebook Group is a resource for homeschooling families who wish to add morning baskets to their day. This community is a place to share your morning baskets, ask questions about using morning baskets in your homeschool and get inspiration from others.

Check Out Some of Our Other Morning Baskets

Plan Your Morning Basket with These Free Planning Pages

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