Back to School Morning Basket
This year I decided to change things up a bit for our morning basket. I wanted to fit everything in but did not know how. After reading Pam Barnhill’s book Better Together I decided to try a loop. My plan so far is to do bible, logic, journal, memory work and read aloud books everyday and then loop through language arts, geography & history, art & music, math, and science & nature. to make this easier on me I have color coded my loops and used the same color post it notes as book marks in each book. That way when I see that today is our language arts loop I know to look for all the pink bookmarks. My goal is to make our morning basket time sufficient for an entire days worth of work if I need it to be.
For bible, we will be using the Indescribable Devotional. I love that these devotional combines God and Science in such a beautiful way.
For logic, we will be using The First Grade 500 Question Game Book. We will do 1-2 pages a day just to get her brain warmed up and ready to learn and listen.
For journal, we will be continuing with our Q&A a day for kids. This is going to be such an amazing keepsake to look back on and I am so glad we have kept up with it for almost a year now.
For memory work, we will be working on our math facts. This normally looks like a game or flashcards while she bounces on her bouncy ball (movement helps her commit things to memory). This month is we will be using addition flashcards and focusing on 0-10 facts.
Our read aloud books this month will be The Moffats and other books taken from our Passport to Adventures book list each month.
Now for our loops, the main book I will be using is What Your First Grader Needs to Know, this book has read alouds and activities for each subject so I have added tabs for each section so that it can be used as a spine for each of our loops.
For the language arts loop in addition to What Your First Grader Needs to Know, we will be using A Year Full of Stories – 52 folktales and legends from around the world (this will also teach quite a bit if geography as we will locate each place on our map), Where the Sidewalk Ends for poetry, and Super Silly Mad Libs for a fun way to practice parts of speech.
For the geography & history loop in addition to What Your First Grader Needs to Know, we will be using a compass rose printable that I laminated and added velcro for directional practice, our scrunch map to locate places as we read about them and Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls for Women’s History.
For the art & music loop in addition to What Your First Grader Needs to Know, we will be using Spot the Differences Art Masterpiece Mysteries for art appreciation and Chalk Pastel Video Art Courses for art projects, and SQUILT Meet the Instruments for our music appreciation and education.
For the math loop in addition to What Your First Grader Needs to Know, we will be using Bedtime Math: The Truth Comes Out for word problems and funny stories and Math Dice Junior for a fun game that happens to also practice math facts.
For the science & nature loop in addition to What Your First Grader Needs to Know, we will be using Exploring Nature with Children, this is a year long curriculum that dives deeper into a topic each week it also includes a book list, poetry, music, and artwork as well. We will choose 1-2 picture books each from the list to accompany the topic we are exploring.
So the plan will be to do to daily items and then one loop each day that will be about an average of each loop once a week. I do plan to still change many of the items out each month to help keep our morning basket fresh and exciting.
Are you new to morning basket?
If you are new to morning basket and would like more information make sure you check out this morning basket questions and answers post. If you would like to see our baskets in action be sure to watch our join us for morning basket time videos. Also, make sure your join the Morning Baskets Facebook Group for more ideas, inspirations, and support.
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Jessica this looks so awesome!!! I LOVE your Morning Basket Sheet!!!! ❤
Thank you so much for sharing!! And I love your idea to color code your loop– great for this visual mama as well when there is just so much going on around me!
This is so helpful for me as a first time homeschooling mama of a Kindergartener. Thank you!!!
Love your morning basket Jessica! I’m super interested in that Q&A journal for my kids! I cannot speak highly enough about Bedtime Math! I’ve been a coach with them for a year teaching their Bedtime Math Club for one of our homeschool coops and the children and I absolutely love it! They’re materials and lessons are so innovative and we have so much fun together!