Interest-Led and Hands-On Science For Your Homeschool

As with many things in our homeschool, we have taken an interest-led approach to learning science. Following this approach has led us to discover all kinds of amazing things including our daughter, Emily’s, love of space and animals. 

Hands-on experiments, activities, and projects help bring science to life and increase her retention of important concepts too. The hands-on science kits from Science Unlocked cover all kinds of topics and help us have all kinds of hands-on learning fun while pursuing an interest-led science curriculum. Keep reading for tips on how to mary interest-led learning and hands-on science in your homeschool too.

The hands-on science kits from Science Unlocked cover all kinds of topics and help us have all kinds of hands-on learning fun while pursuing an interest-led science curriculum.

Interest-Led Learning In Our Homeschool

We love interest-led learning. Following our daughter’s interests has led us to so many unexpected and amazing learning experiences! These days, we are full-time interest-led learners. 

Being interest-led homeschoolers helps us develop a strong connection with our daughter. Plus, it’s a great way for us to ensure she becomes a lifelong learner with a love for knowledge.

Pursuing Emily’s interests is totally worth it. Children are more likely to be engaged with the lesson if it’s a topic they’re interested in exploring. By following an interest-led learning approach, you can ensure that your kids are ready for the lesson and they’ll retain the information in the lesson.

Why Hands-On Science Makes Such A Difference In Our Learning

Kids learn by doing, so hands-on science lessons, experiments, and activities are a perfect way to help them master all kinds of scientific concepts. The scientific method is all about doing: observing, asking questions, experimenting, and recording results. What better way to teach your kids these important foundations than with hands-on science lessons? 

Like interest-led learning, hands-on lessons and activities help engage kids and make it more likely that they’ll retain the things they’re learning. We especially love hands-on science lessons. Emily has tons of fun with hands-on science activities and she retains more information this way. 

The hands-on science kits from Science Unlocked cover all kinds of topics and help us have all kinds of hands-on learning fun while pursuing an interest-led science curriculum.

A Great Way To Incorporate Both Interest-Led and Hands-On Learning Into Your Science Study

If you’re looking for ways to marry interest-led learning with hands-on science lessons, you’re going to love Science Unlocked by Homeschool Science Tools. They have kits available that cover a wide variety of topics, so you can easily find science lessons that interest your learners.

Each topic in the hands-on Science Unlocked kits is filled with experiments your kids can explore and do to learn all about. It’s an easy way to build a hands-on science curriculum your homeschoolers will get excited about. 

The Science Unlocked kits are available in 3 different levels: wonder, accelerate, and launch. Each level is designed to meet your child where they are with hands-on interest-led learning to help them master important concepts. 

Everything You Need To Get Started With Science Unlocked

To get started with Science Unlocked kits, complete a quick parent questionnaire to discover which level is best for your learners. Then, choose the hands-on experiment learning kit that your child is interested in. There are so many awesome topics to match your children’s interests too! You can learn about biology, chemistry, physics, or explore earth & space science. 

Check out some of our favorite hands-on science kits from Science Unlocked:

You’ll definitely want to check out all the cool hands-on kits from Science Unlocked with your kids to see which kits they’re interested in exploring. They might surprise you! 

Savings Bundles from Science Unlocked

Science Unlocked offers kit bundles too. A bundle is a great way to save money while building a science curriculum that’s filled with hands-on learning to engage your kids. You can bundle 3 kits and save 10% for an introduction that will have your kids falling in love with science.

If you bundle 6 kits you save 15% which is equal to one free kit. That’s something you can get excited about while your kids get excited about fun science experiments. The best part is 6 Science Unlocked interest-led hands-on kits is enough for a whole year of learning!