Science Picture Books for Your Homeschool
Even before becoming a homeschooler I knew the importance of reading aloud. I vividly remember reading books to my ginormous pregnant belly (yes I was that mom).
But it was not until I became a homeschooler and read Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook then subsequently stumbled upon the amazing Sarah Mackenzie at Read Aloud Revival that I realized just how important the time spent reading aloud really was.
I was determined then that books would be the staple for everything in our homeschool. We would learn everything we could in all of the subjects with books as our base.
For us picture books are the perfect place to linger. Emily is an auditory learner and I am a visual learner. So we use beautiful picture books to bridge our gap. This way we are both getting what we need and learning together along the way.
This series will feature our favorite picture books broken down into academic subjects so you can learn with books along with us! This post will be all about science picture books.
The Story of Snow: The ScienceEarth! My First 4.54 Billion YearsWhat Is Science?Matter: Physical Science for Kids (PictureWaves: Physical Science for Kids (PictureForces: Physical Science for Kids (PictureEnergy: Physical Science for Kids (PictureCreature Features: Twenty-Five Animals Explain WhyWhat We See in the Stars:Wild Tracks!: A Guide to Nature’sSimple Machines: Wheels, Levers, and PulleysLight WavesMagnets Push, Magnets PullThings That Float and Things ThatSolids, Liquids, Gases, and PlasmaTiny Creatures: The World of MicrobesThe Skies Above My Eyes (LookThe Street Beneath My Feet (LookThe Big Book of Beasts (TheThe Big Book of the BlueThe Big Book of Birds (TheThe Big Book of Bugs (TheThe Big Book of Blooms (TheFungus is Among Us!Over and Under the Pond: (EnvironmentUp in the Garden and DownA Butterfly Is Patient: (Nature BooksA Beetle Is Shy (Nature Books)A Rock Is Lively (Nature Books)A Nest Is NoisyAn Egg Is Quiet: (Picture Book,A Seed Is Sleepy: (Nature BooksWild WorldTrees: A Rooted HistoryThe Magic and Mystery of TreesBees: A Honeyed HistoryThe Book of Brilliant BugsWhat Lives in a Shell? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-OutWho Eats What?: Food Chains andWhat Makes a Magnet? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out ScienceThe Skeleton Inside You (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out ScienceWhat Is the World Made Of?:Botanicum: Welcome to the MuseumPlanetarium: Welcome to the MuseumAnimalium: Welcome to the MuseumAnatomicum: Welcome to the MuseumWelcome To The Museum FungariumDinosaurium: Welcome to the Museum