Women in Science Themed Morning Basket

March is Women’s History Month. Last year for our March Morning Basket we did a Girl Power – Women in History theme. This year I thought it would be fun to take one of Emily’s top interests and dive deeper into that. She loves all fields of studies within science. I thought exploring women in science that paved the way before her would be a great morning basket topic for us. So, Our March Morning Basket is women in science and science themed.

The four main catergories of things that we include in our morning basket each month are read alouds, madlibs and/or trivia, hands-on activities, and games. The main reason we include these are because they are Emily’s favorite things and I find I like to start our day by connecting and filling her love tank.

Each morning (or whatever time we start our homeschool day) she enjoys the hands-on activities while I read aloud, then we do either a mad lib or some trivia, and we finish our morning basket time by playing a game together. What’s in this basket might look like a lot but chipping away at it every day for a month normally ensures we will get to enjoy it all.

Would like to see our morning basket in action and see how we have made it worked for us over the years? Then check out our Join Us For Morning Time series on our YouTube channel.

March’s Morning Basket Choices…

Bible or Devotional:
How Great is Our God

Read Alouds:
Women in Science
Who Was Marie Curie and corresponding Unit Study
Who Was Rachel Carson and corresponding Unit Study
Who is Jane Goodallย and corresponding Unit Study

National Geographic Kids Quiz Whiz

Mad Libs:
Mad Scientist Mad Libs

Kids Big Life Journal (Second Edition)

Brain Box Science & Nature
Professor Noggin Wonders of Science

Hands-On Quiet Activities:
Women in Science Puzzle
The Historical Heroines Coloring Book: Pioneering Women in Science
Science! STEM Sticker Adventure

Picture Books:
Women Who Launched the Computer Age
You Should Meet Mae Jemison
You Should Meet Katherine Johnson
Secret Engineer
Evelyn the Adventurous Entomologist
Rachel Carson and Her Book that Changed the World
Nothing Stopped Sophie
Counting on Katherine
Out of School and into Nature
Stone Girl Bone Girl
Joan Procter Dragon Doctor
Hidden Figures
The Girl Who Thought in Pictures
The Girl with a Mind for Math
The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes
The Astronaut with a Song for the Stars
I am Jane Goodall
I am Marie Curie
Grace Hopper
A Computer Called Katherine
Swimming with Sharks
The Watcher
The Girl Who Drew Butterflies
Mae Among the Stars
Margaret and the Moon
Shark Lady
Ada Twist Scientist
The Tree Lady
Summer Birds

Usborne Scientist Academyย 
Science Projects Activity Jar (from Target Dollar Spot)


Are you new to morning basket?

If you are new to morning basket and would like more information make sure you check out this morning basket questions and answers post. Also, make sure your join the Morning Baskets Facebook Group for more ideas, inspirations, and support.

Check out some of our other morning baskets:

Plan your morning basket with our free printable planning pages.

Related Posts: Morning Basket

March is Women's History Month. To celebrate our March Morning Basket will be women in science to show my daughter the road that was paved for her.

One Comment

  1. Jennifer M says:

    Hi, Jessica. Big fan of your YouTube channel and have been watching for a while now. I saw in this video, you mentions your mini โ€œWho wasโ€ lessons. Do you have them available for purchase? Would love to do an entire theme next school year on who was for my kiddos. Thanks!

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