January Homeschool Printables That Are Absolutely Free
There’s a myth that homeschooling is expensive, but it’s simply not true. These days, all you really need is a library card and an internet connection. We have fallen in love with the learning path that homeschooling has put us on.
I love sharing our amazing journey with you through encouragement, tips, tricks, the inside scoop on our favorite resources, and Waldock Way custom products for homeschooling families. Now I’m going to share with your homeschooling family some awesome printables you can use this January.
The best part? These homeschool printables are all absolutely free! Keep reading to discover what’s included in this January homeschool printable bundle and find out how to get yours today.
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be expensive
There are all kinds of amazing homeschool resources and curricula. Some of them can be quite expensive! Along the way, I realized that I could use my time and talents to make some of our own resources to match Emily’s interests and passions.
For example, Emily really wanted to do Magic Treehouse school, so I created the Passport to Adventures curriculum. It incorporates science, history, art, geography, and more using the books from The Magic Treehouse series.
Since then, Kevin and I have pooled our talents to create special unit studies, curriculum options, and homeschooling printables for our family and yours. We truly enjoy putting these one-of-a-kind unit studies and resources together.
This January, we’ve decided to share them with you and make them absolutely 100% free. It’s our way of helping keep homeschooling affordable and accessible.
Free Homeschool Printables For January
Here’s a peek at what you’ll get in your inbox for FREE this January:
14 Snowflakes Paper Craft
Every snowflake is unique. Isn’t that a wonderful place to begin a homeschool lesson? Take this opportunity to explore snow, states of matter, precipitation, learn about winter, and teach your homeschoolers just how special and unique they are this January. Plus, create some beautiful crafts to decorate your home along the way.
Arctic Animals Color by Number
Color by number printables are a great way to help young learners build number recognition skills, fine motor skills, and concentration. Plus, these cute arctic animal color by number pages are perfect for exploring the animals that live in the arctic with your homeschoolers this Winter.
Printable New Years Crafts
Who doesn’t love New Year’s party hats? I love dressing up and being silly with my family to ring in the new year. This year, you can print these free party hat crafts for 2022. Build fine motor skills with your homeschoolers as they color and decorate their own party hats.
New Years Activity Set
Start the new year out with some fun printable activities for the whole family. I’ve included a custom coloring page, word search, maze printable, and even a New Year’s Scattergories game for your kids to enjoy as we countdown to 2022. It’s a fun way to add learning to your holiday.
Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley
Who was Wilson Bentley? The first to discover the magic of snowflakes under a microscope and photograph them for everyone to see and enjoy. In this mini-unit study, you can teach your homeschoolers all about Wilson Bentley, his art, and his discoveries. It’s the perfect January unit study for science, art, and history.
If you love to celebrate the holidays then be sure to check out my Holiday Fun Around the World curriculum for exciting lessons from 30 different holidays, festivals, and celebrations all over the world. You’ll get to explore different cultures and celebrations all over the world throughout the calendar year!
More Creative Resources For Your Homeschool
Are you looking for even more creative homeschool resources to use with your family this year? Check out more of my custom options in the shop. You’ll find curriculum sets including Passports to Adventure, Traveling the Parks, and Wizards & Wands. Explore Who Was Mini-Unit Studies, Survival Unit Studies with Bear Grylls, and more!
Then, check out my curriculum planners for homeschool moms with fun themes like rainbows, flamingos, and Harry Potter. Finally, check the extra supplements and resources section for printables and activities you can do throughout the year including role play, art, and printable family game night fun.
What are your favorite Waldock Way resources so far? Tell me your favorites in the comment section. I can’t wait to read about which of these fun printables your kids are enjoying the most this January!