Geography Picture Books for Your Homeschool

Even before becoming a homeschooler I knew the importance of reading aloud. I vividly remember reading books to my ginormous pregnant belly (yes I was that mom).

But it was not until I became a homeschooler and read Jim Trelease’s Read-Aloud Handbook then subsequently stumbled upon the amazing Sarah Mackenzie at Read Aloud Revival that I realized just how important the time spent reading aloud really was.

I was determined then that books would be the staple for everything in our homeschool. We would learn everything we could in all of the subjects with books as our base.

Add these beautiful science picture books to your homeschool library and make lasting memories while reading and learning together.

For us picture books are the perfect place to linger. Emily is an auditory learner and I am a visual learner. So we use beautiful picture books to bridge our gap. This way we are both getting what we need and learning together along the way.

This series will feature our favorite picture books broken down into academic subjects so you can learn with books along with us! This post will be all about geography picture books.


 Geography from A to Z: A Everything & Everywhere: A Fact-Filled Adventure National Parks of the USA Follow That Map!: A First Book The Once Upon a Time Map Me on the Map Paddle-To-The-Sea by Holling Clancy Holling (1980-02-01) Seabird Pagoo Tree in the Trail Minn of the Mississippi Swift Walker: A Continental Journey: Geography Maps and Globes (Reading Rainbow Books) Mapping Penny’s World P is for Passport: A World How to Make an Apple Pie How to Make a Cherry Pie Where Do I Live? My Librarian is a Camel: How Tish Rabe: There’s a Map on As the Crow Flies (Rise and My Map Book If You Lived Here: Houses of Children Around the World A Ticket Around the World What Do You Celebrate?: Holidays and Pancakes to Parathas: Breakfast Around the Living in . . . Around