I Am Not Ending Our Homeschool Year Strong: Here’s Why.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. The end of the homeschool year is just around the corner. But it feels like an uphill battle to get there. Every year around this time homeschool moms everywhere begin dragging and trying to just finish the homeschool year strong.
We all start eliminating what we consider fluff or fun and start figuring out how we can double up on math lessons to finish early because we are just ready to be done!
This month’s Homeschool Show & Tell topic was Tips for Ending the School Year Strong. I shared my number one tip for ending your homeschool year strong. But, then I dropped a bombshell. I am not ending this homeschool year strong! Before you stone me, let me tell you why.
Why is There So Much Pressure to End Our Homeschool Year Strong?
It seems like everywhere you look right now someone is telling you to finish the school year strong. The advice is all the same – do the things, do more of the things, and then when you are done, do the final things.
Just keep going, keep pushing, keep forcing it.
The pressure this time of year brings to homeschool families has never felt right to me. Plus, I am not sure it’s even necessary. Especially this year when it has already been the weirdest/craziest homeschool year ever!
What The End of Our Homeschool Year is Really Like
By the time we have reached the home stretch we are all exhausted. Pushing through just to push through doesn’t accomplish anything in our home.
I have learned over the years that forcing us to finish just for the sake of finishing is a waste of my time and sanity.
Because what happens is I turn into a crazy dictator lady barking orders and trying to force checklists to be completed all while Emily stares at me with tears in her eyes.
And guess what? That is not what I want for our homeschool!
Mainly because I know there is no way she is really learning anything in that type of environment. But also because it is and has always been my goal that we foster a life long love of learning while prioritizing our relationship.
Ending the school year strong does not accomplish either of those things for us.
The End of This Homeschool Year Is Actually The Best Time to Prepare for Next Year
I know we have all felt it. That feeling of planning next year’s curriculum being more fun than finishing this years.
Embrace it!
Spend the end of this year while you are excited planning next year’s curriculum. There is no rule that says you have to finish this year before you can plan next year.
Capitalizing on your excitment now will make planning more fun and you will probably be able to do it in half of the time.
Not to mention many curriculum companies have sales around this time so knowing what you are going to be using allows you to buy at rock bottom prices.
How I Really Want To End Our Homeschool Year
I want to end our school year on a high note. I don’t want to push and pull us over some imaginary finish line that was created by someone else.
We love making bucket lists in our house. We make them for everything! So instead of me making the dreaded must get done before summer starts list this year we are going to make a fun to have before school ends bucket list.
Emily has already said she wants to do more art and play more games together. So, that will be a top priority for the rest of this year.
We both want to finish our Holiday Fun Around the World study too. With Earth Day, Arbor Day, Cinco de Mayo and so much more right around the corner. Now, more than ever, I think we need celebration and joy in order to end our year well.
So that is exactly what we will do. All of the things we didn’t do enough of, or didn’t have the time to do yet. We will enjoy the days together and end our homeschool year happy instead of strong.
Why finishing the curriculum isn’t important
Maybe you are thinking there is no way you can just stop because what about the curriculum you won’t finish. To that I say think back to your time in public school or ask a teacher if they have ever finished a textbook in a school year.
The answer is no!
No one, I repeat no one finishes everything every year. It will be okay if you don’t. In fact it will be better than okay.
You know why? Because finishing just to finish is not really going to get you anywhere. If your kids are done and dragging their feet they are not really learning or retaining the information. So all you are doing is wasting your time and making all of you miserable.
Be like Elsa, and just let it go!
Plus, there is no such thing as being behind in homeschool anyway!
Love it! ♥
Thank you so much for this. In Germany, we have been in lockdown since November, and this is the first year that we haven’t “finished” any of our books/curriculum. We usually finish two or three per kid. This year? Zilch. But there is much guilt to spare for me. I really needed this blog post today. Thank you!
So fitting for this school year for everyone!
Thank you for this! After having a baby in the middle of the school year, I’ve been feeling like I really need to cram everything in at the end, and this was a great reminder that we don’t have to “finish” it all. And I’m definitely going to try to focus on things we want to do, and not just push through the core subjects.