Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Homeschool Strewing

Strewing revolutionized our homeshool. It made me a better mom and it totally changed the dynamics of our morning time. We have been doing it for years and it really has made all the difference. Today I wanted to take a minute to answer the most frequently asked questions about homeschool strewing.

Strewing is leaving things in the path of your child for them to discover and explore and spark their interests. Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about strewing!

What is strewing?

Strewing is a term that was coined by Sandra Dodd. Strewing is leaving things in the path of your child for them to discover and explore and spark their interests.

How do you choose what you strew?

I strew based on one of three things. I strew based on a topic we are learning, based on a topic I would like to introduce, or based on interest. We do unit study style of learning most of the time, so I strew quite a bit on the topics we are learning about. I also take a cue from her interest when I see one and try to strew based on those. Last, I use strewing to introduce or expose her to new topics and things.

Can you do it without it being messy or looking cluttered?

Yes, you can have a designated spot, or you could even put things in a basket or bin to keep it more aesthetically pleasing if things laid out bothers you.

Do you strew one thing for multiple kids of multiple things?

I would strew one thing that would appeal to the majority as much as possible. If a child has a specialized interest, then appeal to that as well when possible. But no, I would not strew multiple things every day.

Is strewing just for younger children?

Not at all you can strew things for all ages. What you strew would just change. You would obviously strew things that would interest an older child if that is what you have.

How do you keep things from becoming a mess?

With strewing you must allow your child the room to discover and explore but that does not mean it needs to become a giant mess for that to happen. I limit the number of things I put out at a time and that helps minimize the messes. We have also gone over our expectations with our daughter that she cleans things up when she is done with them.

How much time is spent planning and preparing?

As little as possible. I do not โ€œplanโ€ for strewing it is kind of a mix of what we have on hand and what I can get quickly and easily that will appeal to my child. As for preparing that depends on my energy level the night before. If I am absolutely exhausted I will strew something easy to set up, if I have some energy left I might strew something more complex.

What do you do while they are exploring what you strewed?

For me I use this time to wake up, shower, and get dressed. I also try to throw something in the crock pot for dinner and make breakfast.

How long do you allow for items strewed?

I do not limit this at all. I mean within our day I may say that we have to do something else but leave it out to return it later. As long as my daughter is still engaged in the items they will remain out for her to explore.

Do you strew something new every day?

No, I do not. If we are not going to be home I do not strew anything. Also, if she was very engaged in something I will leave it for another day or two. On average I would say I strew 3-4 times a week.

What are the best resources for ideas?

If youโ€™re ready to try strewing, but unsure where to begin, Iโ€™ve got just the thing to help you get started. Iโ€™ve put together a guide to strewing complete with pro tips, a hundred strewing item ideas, and strewing planning pages. 

Youโ€™ll find tons of fun ideas for items to strew including video games, art activities, STEM play, loose parts, and board games. Then, use the planning pages to line your strewing activities up with lesson plans or holidays throughout the year.

Strewing has all kinds of amazing benefits! We love the opportunity to begin our homeschool day with curiosity and imagination. Plus, itโ€™s an excellent way to help your homeschoolers begin learning independently. 

This strewing ebook is filled with pages of helpful tips, advice, and ideas Iโ€™ve discovered over the years. I hope it encourages you to give strewing a try and helps you successfully practice strewing in your homeschool this year.