A Weather Study For Earth Science In Your Homeschool

Our new Weather Unit Study is the perfect place to begin diving into your child’s natural curiosity about earth science. I’ve designed this unit study to fit lessons for early elementary learners all the way through high school aged homeschoolers. There’s something for everyone in this complete earth science curriculum!

If your kids are interested in learning more about the weather, you won’t want to miss all the fun hands-on activities and custom printables in this weather unit study. Plus, you’ll find everything from meteorology to the water cycle in the reading summaries section to pique your child’s interest. Keep reading to see how we’re studying weather in our homeschool this year!

Studying Weather In Your Homeschool

We had some bad storms in our area last year and that led to many talks about severe weather. Emily knows that knowledge is power and learning about the weather would help her to feel better about a situation where she’s often powerless. That’s why we began creating a weather unit study to help her learn more about what weather is, how it happens, and different types of severe weather events. 

I’m hoping that learning about what causes severe storms will help her to feel less afraid and more curious about storms and other kinds of weather. Plus, she’ll be learning about important scientific concepts like the water cycle and the science of meteorology with read alouds, hands-on activities, and games.

A Weather Unit Study For Earth Science

This all new Weather Unit Study is the perfect way to introduce Earth Science in your homeschool. I’ve included so many resources in this complete unit study that you won’t want to miss! Discover what’s in our Weather Unit Study below.

Reading Summaries

The reading summaries will help you answer all your child’s questions about weather related topics from lightning and clouds to tsunamis. Plus, they make it easy to spark discussions about the weather. You can even use them to double check your child’s reading comprehension skills. Here are the weather topics included in this unit study:

  • Meteorology & Famous Meteorologist
  • The Four Seasons
  • Predicting and Measuring the Weather
  • The Atmosphere
  • Weather Power: Solar, Wind, and Water
  • The World’s Climates
  • The Water Cycle
  • Rain, Thunder & Lightning
  • Snowstorms
  • Tornadoes
  • Hurricanes
  • Tsunami
  • Wildfire
  • Earthquakes & Volcanoes

Weather Printables

There are lots of awesome printables you can use to help facilitate activities about the weather with your homeschoolers. These activities provide hands-on ways for curious kids to learn more about the weather and have fun too!

  • Weather Crafts
  • Custom Weather Coloring Pages
  • Weather Playdough Mats
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Weather Word Searches and Crosswords

Hands-On Activity Ideas

I know you’ll find something for everyone to enjoy in this Weather Unit Study! I’ve added lots of hands-on activity ideas you can use to really deep dive into the topics your kids are interested in this year. Check out some of my favorite weather activity ideas below.

  • Book Lists for Extra Reading
  • Weather Science Experiments
  • YouTube Playlists and Film Suggestions
  • Weather Crafts and Printables
  • Weather Sensory Bins
  • Themed Games about Weather

Weather Study For Younger Children

All our Waldock Way unit studies are flexible and ready-to-use for a variety of ages and grade levels. This Weather Unit Study isn’t just for older homeschoolers, younger children will enjoy it too. From lessons about clouds and the water cycle to hands-on activities, there’s something for everyone.

Younger children will love the playdough mats included in this Weather Unit Study. They encourage kids to explore the weather in a way that’s hands-on to help foster a mind/body connection. 

Plus, kneading playdough is perfect for developing critical fine motor skills with younger children too. You’ll also find activities like geoboards and connect-the dots that are perfect for exploring early numeracy concepts like counting, number identification, and one-to-one correspondence with younger learners. 

Weather Study For High School

I strive to keep our unit studies flexible, so you can pick and choose what you need and leave the rest. When following an interest-led approach it’s essential that we be able to dive deep into subjects our kids are really curious about and pull back when they lose interest. The beauty of this Weather Unit Study is that you’ll be able to deep dive into their favorite topics with components that are geared toward more advanced study.

These elements also make it perfect for high school students who need an earth science credit for their transcripts. Adding books from the extra reading lists and focusing on in-depth study with some of the more advanced concepts will give you the opportunity to use this Weather Unit Study with homeschoolers who are ready for high school level learning.

Get This Weather Study For Your Homeschool

Ready to get this Weather Unit Study for your homeschool? Grab my complete Weather Unit Study to get started. Plus check out some of these other great weather related mini-units and freebies for even more learning fun:

If your kids are interested in weather they would love our Discovery Decks made specifically for curious kids. Discovery Decks are a great way to help your kids discover and learn in a way that fosters curiosity and critical thinking. Plus, they offer multisensory opportunities to  satisfy a variety of learning styles. 

Our discovery decks are perfect for interest-led learning families who want to give their homeschoolers choices in the lessons and activities for the day. Kids can pick one of the 20 cards they’re most interested in from a variety of topics including animals, space, weather, the human body, physical movement, and more!

What aspects of this awesome Weather Unit Study are you most excited about? Do you have a really cool Weather Unit resource to share? I’d love to read all about your favorite weather-related resources and games in the comments!